Slurp It UP!
We always get this question: What are the best things to put in ramen?
Regardless of whether it’s Hakubaku Restaurant Ramen noodles from our soup kit, or, Kaedama ramen noodles we always seem to get around to this. For those of you that are constantly googling “find ramen near me” and actually have some results – this may be another way to skip the trip and enjoy some great bowls of ramen at home! And we realize that a lot of our customers are in a “ramen desert” but we can help.
Now this list is not a definitive list but reflects what kinds of ramen toppings you can enjoy and add, or find some new toppings. The sky is the limit! (Although sweet toppings like chocolate are really not a good idea!) So take a look at the suggestions below and try some to see what you can create.
American cheese (what?)
Yep… it’s not just for macaroni anymore! Individually wrapped slices of American cheese are not for sandwiches or burgers. Because those slices are actually barely real food. But the thin, oily cheese-ish product works in magically rich ways when melted on top of hot noodle soup.
BBQ Pork (less the sauce) maybe make some Chashu.
Now we can say that putting in a cut of brisket from the smoker or some rib meat will do well here. Traditionally most ramen shops use Chashu pork that is cooked that day, but let’s be honest- if you want to make chashu at home we salute you! Most of us will just grab some bbq pork or bbq chicken for that matter and just add it to the bowl. Want a great BBQ Pork Ramen recipe?- check this out from our friends at Umami Insider!
Baby Bok choy or Chinese spinach
Asian greens wilt on contact with hot soup and are a nice contrast to the spices and proteins you will also be adding. Make sure to wash your greens thoroughly, then wash them again—nothing ruins an artfully made bowl of instant ramen like a little sand.
Dried seaweed (nori)
Called nori or kim, sheets of umami-packed seaweed can be cut into thin strips with scissors or crumbled atop the broth and noodles. Adds crunch and elements of “the sea.”
Eggs ( ajitsuke tamago)
True ramen fans should always mix an egg (ajitsuke tamago) into your ramen. See how to make the perfect ramen egg here.
Just what shape your egg takes is up to you. Top the bowl with a fried egg, or add a poached egg that can be broken over the noodles and broth with supreme runniness. Ramen eggs are typically marinated in soy and mirin overnight. So best to prepare this ahead of time.
Fish cakes
These can be found at most Asian grocery stores, typically pre-cooked and frozen. Defrost, slice thin, and toss into the broth or skewer and place on the side. Adds both subtle sweetness and a pleasantly fishy vibe. Similarly, Japanese kamaboko— colorful loaves of processed fish that are thinly sliced—can do the same trick.
Frozen vegetables
Every freezer has an extra bag of frozen peas, corn, or spinach. Run under warm water for a couple of minutes to defrost, drain and add to the broth. Adds texture and…you are now eating your vegetables!
This incomparable Japanese seasoning is typically served on rice, but it also works to pump up a bowl of ramen. The dry shaker is typically a mix of seaweed, salt, fish flakes or bonito, sesame seeds, sugar, and MSG.
This widely available fermented red pepper paste is an anchor in many Korean soups and stews and can transform weak broth into excellence. Before adding the gochujang, make sure to combine it with a little rice vinegar in a bowl, stirring to break up the clumps.
You’ll find many types of kimchi (cucumber, chive) at your local Korean grocery store. Cabbage kimchi is much easier to find—they sell it at Trader Joe’s. All work well in a bowl of ramen, adding a funky and salty addition that can hang out with any broth.
Miso paste or doenjang
Miso is a Japanese paste made from fermented rice and is more sweet than salty. Doenjang uses soybeans. Both can be added when a broth is sagging a bit.
Pickled ginger
Raw ginger is way too harsh for ramen, but when pickled it offers a nice contrast to the spice and a little kick. It also can reset you between bites of other foods on the table (think about the Japanese sushi bar)
GETTING HUNGRY? Get some Hakubaku Authentic Japanese Ramen Noodles today!>>
A near-universal garnish in East Asian cooking, scallions (or green onions) add freshness to a rehydrated food that is anything but. Try not to go overboard—you don’t want scallion in every bite.
Smoked oysters
Found in a can. Buy a product that looks legit. I just blew your mind, right?
If you are philosophically opposed to Spam, just skip on past this one. But the reality is that Spam is massively popular in Asia and all that concentrated salt and richness works wonders when sliced and tossed into bubbling broth.
There are so many different spices you can throw in to make your ramen a more international bowl of soup. Check out what we did to make a Japanese-Mexican fusion bowl that is both tasty and spicy too.
On every table around the US and just about to surpass ketchup as the leading condiment. Sometimes ramen needs a little extra heat, so go ahead, add some—I know you have a bottle in the fridge.
This Japanese spice blend is made mostly with finely ground dried pepper flakes, but also includes dried seaweed, sesame seeds and the essence of orange peel. Packs both heat and brightness. Use sparingly, as some versions are very hot.
Tubesteaks (yeah, we are talking about you hot dogs!)
Pulled straight from the plastic package, sliced and tossed into the bubbling cauldron. Goes particularly well with American cheese. American-Japanese fusion at its mid-west best! Also don’t forget about some legit charcuterie/sausages like bratwurst, andouille, lap Cheong, boudin blanc, chorizo. If the sausage is fresh, fry it up, drain the fat, and slice. If it’s cured, slice it thin and scatter on top.
This Japanese condiment is a mix of three things: salt, hot peppers, and yuzu (a type of Japanese citrus). Will add a really distinct brightness to your broth. Use sparingly, or infuse in oil. Either way, something your ramen should check out.