Spicy chashu shoyu ramen is for those who love spicy ramen and love some heat with their meal!
Use our Hakubaku Authentic Japanese Ramen to hit the spot! The star of this show is the spicy chashu ramen. Succulent pork belly and our combination of seasonings give this bowl a new level of flavor. We take our shortcut to make the traditional pork belly but use the end cuts versus a whole loin. A whole pork belly takes longer to prepare and may be better for a larger gathering- we use the pork belly ends for a smaller portion and easy baking. (To learn how to make a whole pork belly find the recipe here.)
Shoyu means soy sauce and this is the next oldest flavor type versus Shio. Instead of salt, a sauce made by fermenting soya beans is used to make the broth salty. Shoyu sauce is not your regular table soy sauce, but, typically a special sauce with additional ingredients made according to a secret recipe. The Easy Umami Shoyu Ramen Recipe is just what you need!
- 4 eggs
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 1⁄2 cup soy sauce
- 1⁄3 cup water
- 3 tablespoons sliced green onion
- 1 tablespoon sliced ginger
For the Spicy Chashu Pork:
- 3⁄4 pounds pork belly
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 1⁄2 cup soy sauce
- 1⁄3 cup sake
- 1⁄4 cup water
- 1⁄4 cup honey2 tablespoons gochujang
- 2 tablespoons green onions
- 2 tablespoon ginger
- 3 cloves garlic
- ½ teaspoon red pepper (we used Korean red pepper)
Optional Toppings:
- Pickled Red Daikon
- Bamboo Shoots
- Green Onion
- Sesame Oil
- Red Pepper
- Add green onion and ginger. Set aside until ready to use.
For Ramen eggs
- In a small pot, bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Gently drop in 4 eggs and reduce heat to
medium. Cook uncovered for 7 minutes. Remove eggs from hot water and place gently
into ice water. Let cool for 5 minutes. Peel eggs.
- Place eggs in the marinade, cover with plastic wrap and rest a plate on top of the plastic
wrap to keep the eggs submerged in the marinade. Refrigerate 4 to 8 hours depending
on desired saltiness.

Quick pan-fry is an easy way to enjoy chashu. Cook 3 :00 then flip for another 3min until crispy
For Spicy Chashu Pork
- Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C).
- In a frying pan heat oil. Add pork belly fat side down. Sear for 4 minutes on each side
until golden brown. Remove pork belly from the pan and place it fat side up in a baking
dish deep enough to hold the brine.
- In the baking dish with the pork belly add the soy sauce, sake, water, honey, gochujang,
garlic, ginger, red pepper and green onions. Move the pork belly around in the mixture
until all of the ingredients are incorporated.
- Bake for 3 hours flipping the pork belly halfway through. Flip it back fat side up when
there is one hour left.
- Let the pork belly cool slightly in the brine before covering it and placing it in the
refrigerator. Refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight.
- On a cutting board slice the pork belly ¼ inch thick. Cut the eggs in half.
Putting it together
- In a pot, add 8 cups of chicken stock, garlic, ginger and kombu and bring to a slight boil.
Remove kombu from the broth and skim the fat settling on the top of the broth. Add the
soup packet and stir. Add the fresh ramen noodles and stir for 2 minutes until cooked.
- Pour Ramen into a bowl and add the sliced chashu pork, ramen egg, pickled red daikon,
and green onion. Drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle red pepper.
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